Video-Conference Topic: Principles, Methods, and Practices of Scientific Research Time: May 27, 2020 From 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. GMT (Morocco Time) Presented by: Prof. Sadik MADANI ALAOUI All doctoral students are welcome
Lire la suite...La Journée Mondiale du Conte – WEBCONTE
L’Atelier Conte et Contage Organise en collaboration avec Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Langage, Littérature, Arts, Communication & Histoire (SLLACH) La Journée Mondiale du Conte WEBCONTE Visioconférence depuis Google Meet Le lundi 18 Mai 2020 P.J. L’affiche Le programme
Lire la suite...Anual doctoral research webinar
Coordinator : Pr. Abderrahim ELKARFA Moderator : Elmakki AMIRI
Lire la suite...Undertanding the publishing process
Thursday 21st Mai 2020 at 16:00 via ZOOM
Lire la suite...Formations doctorales 2020 – SLLACH
Laboratoire : Sciences du langage, Littérature, Arts, Communication et Histoire SLLACH FORMATIONS DOCTORALES 2020 Par Visioconférence depuis Google Meet
| Details | Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme CALL FOR PROPOSALS GUIDELINES EACEA/07/2020 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency African Union
Lire la suite...البرمجة الخاصة بالموائد المستديرة حول جائحة كورونا
البرمجة الخاصة بالموائد المستديرة حول جائحة كورونا من الإثنين 11 ماي إلى الجمعة 15 ماي 2020
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